Anywhere, Anytime.
Don’t live in St. Louis? Not a problem! With our Remote/Online Programming, you can have access to our expert coaching and programming no matter where you live. Constant and consistent communication via video, text, phone call, and email will allow us to help make technical improvements, game-plan, and optimize your program just like you were an in-house lifter. Send an email to get started.
Pricing: $85/month

Preston Davenport

Coach Huse takes a lot of pride in his work and prioritizes the improvement of the people he works with. He is hands-on no matter the distance between his athletes. I worked with him as a remote athlete when I was competing in weightlifting and his attention to detail improved my strength and athleticism in more ways than just kilograms on the barbell. I learned that improvement does not come from perfectionism. It comes from being authentic with yourself and taking things one step at a time with the bigger picture in mind.
Dino Hiros

Zach is very responsive and answers all questions I have about programming and technique. He listened to my needs and built a program that was challenging and also fit into my schedule. In a short time I’ve seen improvements in my technique and am ready to chase down some PRs. My experience with Zach coaching me remotely has been nothing but awesome and seamless.
Anne Reuter

Zach has coached me for 6 months and I don’t know where to begin with the praise I have for him. I train in a remote area in Iowa with the nearest coach being an hour away, therefor I decided to build my own platform in the basement and train there. I’ve subscribed to a handful of different weightlifting programs and I can tell you Zach is nothing like your typical remote program. He is my remote-hands on coach! He’s almost daily on my phone, watching my videos, correcting, giving suggestions. He calls and discusses how I feel, the next steps. He writes my program just for me and he does an amazing job! My technique has become so much better and my numbers are going up! But what’s most important, he makes me feel that I belong to Team Strength Works, that I am a team member even tho I’m so far away. And when I go drive and see him to train with him, he makes me feel like family! Don’t know what I’d do without him!